Senate Healthcare Vote Delayed, Senate August Recess Delayed Cindy Smith 16 Jul 2017 05:42 EDT


As you may have seen in the press, (but I am late with getting this out with NACDD's conference), the Senate will be delaying the vote on the healthcare bill until the week of July 24th. Continue the calls, emails, faxes, and visits to offices! And, please thank Senator Collins and Paul for not supporting the current version of the bill. None of the other undecided Republican Senators have firmly come out in opposition to the bill, so we need to continue to keep the pressure up!

Also, Leader McConnell has announced he will delay recess for two weeks to work on healthcare and other matters. Although, recess could change if they complete their legislative business, it looks as if the Senate will not recess until sometime the week of August 14th. While it is expected that the House will go out on recess as scheduled, should the Senate pass the healthcare bill, the House members are on notice that they will be called back to DC within 72 hours to vote on the bill.

All this to say, we need to continue to flood email inboxes, voicemail boxes, fax machines and visit offices every day until a vote happens or the Senate recesses. Every delay on a vote is another win, but it is not over yet. I know people are tired, but please encourage people to keep up the advocacy!

We fully expect the bill will continue to change as it did last week as the Senate looks at CBO cost projections and make changes to try to lock in the votes needed for passage. Regardless of changes made, at the most basic level, NACDD will continue to oppose any bill that pays for the repeal and replacement of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with restructuring and refinancing of the Medicaid program. More information with some of the best resources for updates is at

Thank you for all of the advocacy!


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