Thank you so much for your work on this issue, Erin.

We knew nothing about it until we received the news from you.

Ohio has an extremely active group of families who would be in favor of this amendment and I appreciate having enough information to be able to discuss

This issue with them.



From: Erin Prangley []
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2017 1:05 PM
To: Aaron Carruthers <>; Ann Trudgeon <>; Arlene Poncelet <>; Becky Harker <>; Beth Stalvey <>; Beth Swedeen <>; Brian Cox <>; Knight, Carolyn <>; Charles Hughes <>; Chris Egan <>; Christine Dahlberg <>; Christine Pisani <>; Claire Mantonya <>; Colleen Wieck <>; Daniel M. Shannon <>; Deanna Hartzman <>; Deborah Swingley <>; Donna Meltzer <>; Ed Holen <>; Elmyra Jones <>; Eric Jacobson <>; Eric Munson <>; Erica McFadden <>; Erin Prangley <>; Graham Mulholland <>; Heidi Lawyer <>; Isadora Legendre <>; Jaime Daignault <>; Jessica Misilo <>; John Block <>; Jordan Einhorn <>; Julie Horntvedt <>; Kellie McCain <>; Kevin Casey <>; Kevin Nerney <>; Kim Mercer <>; Kirsten Murphy <>; Kristen Larsen <>; Marcia Tewell <>; Nancy Cronin <>; Norma Smith <>; Pam Sablan <>; Pat Maichle <>; Patrick Reinhart <>; Rebecca Bax <>; Robin Troutman <>; Rosanne Ada <>; Sandee Winchell <>; Shannon Buller <>; Sheila M. Carey <>; Sherry Manning <>; Sheryl Matney <>; Steve Gieber <>; Steve Wiseman <>; Sudie Johnson <>; Valarie Bishop <>; Valerie Breen <>; Vendella Collins <>; Vicky Davidson <>; Walt Glomb <>; Wanda Willis <>; Waynette Cabral <>; Yvonne D. Petersen <>
Cc: Donna Meltzer <>;
Subject: Update on Rep. Rush's amendment to freeze HCBS rule implementation.


Dear DD Councils:


Once again, I am writing to thank you for your valuable use of grass-tops influencers to stop Rep. Rush’s amendment to freeze the HCBS rule from being considered by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Although Rep. Rush did file his amendment, it did not receive a vote in the committee. Additionally, the Democratic Leadership has assured us that Rep. Rush’s amendment will not be included in any substitute amendment they offer on the CHIP reauthorization bill.


NACDD is working with coalition partners to meet with members of Congress in the next few weeks to educate them on the importance of HCBS rule implementation.


Here are a few of my take-aways from yesterday:

  1. Many DD Councils are extremely connected to the federal advocacy networks. Thank you so much to those of you who emailed Donna and me about the groups that were organizing calls to Rep. Rush’s office. Please continue to let us know if there are any advocacy groups asking DD Councils to weigh in on federal legislation so we can coordinate our efforts and make the best strategic approach to defend NACDD priorities.
  2. Kimberly Mercer-Schleider and the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities was ready to go to the mat to educate Rep. Rush on why his amendment did not reflect the needs of the DD community. It’s always great to have an existing relationship with your federal representatives and their staff just in case you need to contact them quickly on an important policy issue.
  3. It’s vital to keep our guard up for groups that would seek to weaken community integration. The lack of transparency of this latest attack on the implementation is very concerning to us. I’d be surprised if you were not seeing similar attacks at the state level with the HCBS state plans. It is very important to make sure your governor is aware that DD Councils support implementation of the rule.


HCBS regulations push states toward more integrated, more reliable HCBS programs that promote better options for older adults and individuals with disabilities to live independently, get the care that they need, and have full access to the benefits of community living. I’m so grateful for your work to defend and advance this important regulation.


Thank you!!!


Erin Prangley

Director, Public Policy 

National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600

Washington, DC  20006

202.506.5813 Ext. 104 (Phone)

202.506.5846 (Fax)