Suggested follow-up from last night’s vote from the Hill:


There is, however, follow-up to do (the work is never finished). Some things to consider:


1)      If you live in Maine, Alaska, or Arizona, thank Sens. Murkowski, Collins, and McCain. Particularly thank Sens. Murkowski and Collins. They have put themselves on the line for months and they should garner some protection and good will for the work they have done.

2)      Follow-up with the target Senators in NV, KS, CO, WV, OH, LA, IN, UT, WI, and GA. Ask them to support Medicaid and a bi-partisan process to address health care.

3)      In all states, contact your Senators:

a.       Thank them for their vote if they voted the way you wanted them to (or take the opportunity to say again why Medicaid and the protections in the ACA are so important)

b.       Ask your Senators to return to “regular order” to address improving health care and improving Medicaid

c.       Ask your Senators to hold bi-partisan hearings on the topics of health care, Medicaid, and community-based long-term services and supports

4)      Tell your Senators that improving the ACA and improving health care for the country is the goal; pre-empt the message to let the ACA implode and to harm millions of Americans

5)      And get ready for attacks on Medicaid, SSI, and SSDI—they are coming and we’ll need to be ready to protect them.