Today, the day the Senate will vote to consider a health care bill that will either deconstruct Medicaid or gut the health care system so that 32 million Americans will not have health care coverage. It is unknown which of two bills (or possibly a third bill) will be considered by the Senate. What we do know is that harm will come to millions if the motion to consider the bill is not stopped.


On the eve of the 27th Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Senate will


·         consider dismantling and drastically defunding home and community-based services that provide millions with long-term services and supports

·         cut almost three quarters of a trillion dollars in Medicaid funding

·         over the next 20 years reduce Medicaid supports to the states by 35%

·         remove the guarantees that health care plans provide essential health benefits such as rehabilitation services

·         remove the prohibition on discriminating against those who have pre-existing conditions

·         make it more difficult for states to provide community-based services by eliminating the Community First Choice option in Medicaid

·         provide massive tax cuts to the rich in by cutting back on health care to those who are aging, poor, the middle class, and who are disabled


It appears the vote will take place at approximately 2:15 this afternoon but this could change. 

What you can do

What you have been for months. We need thousands and thousands of people to call, write, and visit their senators offices. If you are in the DC area, we need people to join the NCIL rally from 11:00-1:00 on the west side of the Capitol and then to make your voices and opinions known in the Senate and in Senators’ offices.


The Americans with Disabilities Act guarantees rights and access for people with disabilities. But without health care, without long-term services and supports, without community-based care, rights cannot be exercised.


If the motion passes today, there will likely be a vote on passage of the bill later in the week. NOW is the time to stop this. Now is the time to make your voices heard. Thank you for all you have been doing and continue to do! 

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