Here is the call-in number for the Friday 2 pm call:  866-317-5076

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On Jun 22, 2017, at 7:49 PM, Cindy Smith <> wrote:


Please see below for updates from CCD's state working group on Medicaid/ACA repeal. A few opportunities to call-in tomorrow and learn more on substance and process regarding the bill released today. 

Begin message:

The Senate has released its draft bill and is moving quickly towards a vote next week.  We need everyone to redouble their advocacy to help us stop this bill and its devastation to Medicaid!

Emergency webinar tomorrow to discuss the Senate bill:  The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has scheduled an emergency webinar for tomorrow, Friday, June 23rd at 12:30pmET to 1:30pmETThis will be an opportunity to walk through the newly released language of the Senate GOP healthcare repeal bill, review what's at the stake and the risks we are facing and most importantly discuss where we go from here.  Please use this link to register for the webinar:

Note: this call is for state advocates and is OFF THE RECORD and CLOSED TO PRESS.

Emergency advocacy call tomorrow for all CCD and state disability organizations affiliated: We are holding an emergency advocacy call for all CCD and state disability grassroots tomorrow, Friday June 23rd at 2 pm ETWe will be sending around a call in number as soon as we have it.  We hope to have someone from the Hill who can update us on how to target our advocacy over the next week before the bill comes to the floor.

Update on timing:  The Senate released a "discussion draft" of its healthcare bill today.  We expect that the Congressional budget office score to be out on Monday and then bill will go the floor.  Whatever the final Senate bill is will likely be "substituted" (through the amendment process) sometime on Wednesday (this would be the first time we actually see the final bill), and a vote will likely be on Thursday or Friday.  This is our latest information, but of course this could change.    

Update on substance:  We are still working through the "discussion draft" (here is a link to all 142 pages).  Attached is a high level analysis from FamiliesUSA (we'll send other summaries as we get them).  Most importantly, like the House bill, the Senate bill contains per capita caps that would completely restructure the Medicaid program and cause devastating cuts to the critical services on which people with disabilities rely.  In fact, the Senate bill has even deeper cuts than the House bill (but even if the Senate ends up at the House levels, these caps would still be devastating).  The Senate has a carve out from the cap for "medically disabled children," but see this article for all the reasons why a carve out won't protect these kids from cuts and would still subject everyone else to huge cuts.

Senators/states To educate:  Below is our list of the most important Senators to educate on the impact of the proposal. This information is constantly being updating based on what we are learning.

Alaska:  Murkowski and Sullivan
Maine:  Collins 
Nevada:  Heller 
West Virginia:  Capito
Ohio:  Portman 
Alabama:  Shelby and Strange
Arizona:  Flake and McCain
Colorado:  Gardner
Florida:  Rubio
Georgia:  Isakson
Indiana:  Young
Louisiana:  Cassidy
Missouri: Blunt
Montana:  Daines
Nebraska:  Fischer and Sasse
Wisconsin: Johnson

How you can help:  Senators are heading home tonight for the weekend.  We need everyone to be active and engaged in educating/opposing the Senate bill, and particularly the Medicaid cuts and caps, over the next couple days.  Find out if your Senator has any events this weekend and show up with constituents. Go to your Senator's office. Meet with local newspaper editorial board or key local reporters. It is local advocacy and stories that can make the difference.

As people with disabilities were protesting at the Capitol today made clear to the world, this bill is literally a choice for freedom and life for people with disabilities.

Again, please join the emergency webinar at 12:30 pm tomorrow and our emergency phone call at 2 pm tomorrow to learn more about the Senate bill and what each of you can do to advocate against it.  Apologies for the last minute notice, but things are moving quickly.  We will keep sending you updated information as we learn more.

Thank you for your incredible advocacy and for digging down to find the strength to keep it up!

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