The American Health Care Act passed the House a few minutes ago by a vote of 217-213. As anticipated, it was a party line vote, with all Democrats voting no and 20 Republicans voting no. It appears one person did not vote. I am still looking
for a rundown of the votes by roll call, and will share it once I have it. Please consider sending a thank you letter to members who supported comprehensive healthcare for persons with disabilities.
Also, please consider issuing a statement. NACDD will be issuing a statement later tonight. I am also still checking to see if AUCD and NDRN might want to do a joint statement with us. Attached, here is a very rough draft of a template
you can adapt and edit for your Council to consider using that I drafted for NACDD.
Thank you for all of the advocacy on this and work you all have done. We will keep you posted on next steps as we head to the Senate. Please keep in mind that there are many more steps before this becomes law, as it will have to be debated
and voted on in the Senate and then most likely send it back to the House to pass a the same bill.
Cindy Smith, MS, CAS, JD
Director of Public Policy
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
1825 K Street, NW Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006
202-506-5813 ext 104