

Please see the alert below regarding ACA repeal and replacement, and the potential for Medicaid block grants/per capita caps to be included in the proposal that we anticipate might be out later this week. This is similar to the alert that CCD shared with all of its membership, but as always I tweaked it a bit to focus on educating and informing policymakers. Also, sharing personal stories with offices from constituents on the importance of the ACA and Medicaid continues to be critical.


As reminder you are welcome to tweak the alert below to be comfortable that it is educating and informing of policymakers. Please delete the introductory email before sharing it outside your DD Council.



Cindy Smith, MS, CAS, JD
Director of Public Policy

National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

1825 K Street, NW Suite 600

Washington, DC 20006                                             

202-506-5813 ext 104








Congress has already begun the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and it now is on the fast track to include drastic cuts to the Medicaid programs as part of the replacement plan. The result would be two major blows to individuals with disabilities.


People’s health, services, and lives are at stake!  We need advocates to reach out to their Senators and Representatives to let them know why the ACA and Medicaid are essential to people with disabilities and their families.


Call your Senators and Representatives today 202-224-3121Every call matters!  Don’t let them take away health care and services for millions of people and replace it with a plan that CUTS Medicaid.


Attend a local town hall meeting while your Senator or Representative is in district, find scheduled meetings here.


What to Say:

·         I am your constituent.

·         I am a person with a disability or I am a family member of someone with a disability or I am a professional in the disability field.

·         Do NOT repeal the ACA without a replacement that maintains or improves coverage and protections.

·         Do NOT allow restructuring and cuts to Medicaid to be part of an ACA replacement.

·         The ACA and Medicaid helps me/my family member to have health care and community based services.


For more background, see http://c-c-d.org/fichiers/CCD-FactSheet-on-ACA_12-5-16_Final.pdf