

Here is the registration information for the webinar regarding the TN statewide transition plan that we discussed on the policy call yesterday. Note that no registration is required, but it is limited to 500 people.



Please join us for a call/webinar on Thursday, May 26, 2016 from 1:30-3:00 pm EST titled “HCBS Implementation and the Statewide Transition Plan.”  This presentation will feature the state of Tennessee speaking about the process by which they developed their Statewide Transition Plan and how the state is implementing the HCBS final rule. Other speakers from TN will discuss the ways that external stakeholders and advocates can meaningfully engage in their state’s HCBS implementation process.

Speakers will include:

Patti Killingsworth – Assistant Commissioner for the Bureau of TennCare and Chief of Long-Terms Services and Supports

Michelle Jernigan – Deputy of LTSS, Bureau of TennCare

Wanda Willis – Executive Director, Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities

Ralph Lollar – Director, Long-Term Services and Supports - CMS

Background: The final regulations for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)  published January 16, 2014, require states operating section 1915(c) HCBS waivers, section 1915(i) HCBS state plan benefit programs or a section 1915(k) HCBS state plan benefit programs as well as an 1115 Demonstration Waiver or 1915(b)(3) authority that authorizes home and community-based services (in effect on or before March 17, 2014) to submit a statewide transition plan (STP). CMS final approval of an STP is granted when a state completes both its systemic assessment and its site-specific assessment, includes the outcomes of both assessments in the STP, outlines remediation strategies to rectify issues that both assessments uncovered, and lays out its heightened scrutiny, ongoing monitoring and relocation processes.

Call Details

*Please note – No registration is necessary. Call will be limited to the first 500 participants so if your organization plans to participate, please gather together in groups if possible so more lines will be accessible to others.


CMS-ACL Educational Webinar on HCBS Rule Implementation & Tennessee's Approved Statewide Transition Plan

When it's time, join the meeting from here:

Join the meeting


When: Thursday, May 26, 2016, 1:30 pm (1 hr 30 mins), Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00).

Access Information


Meeting Number:

993 508 489





Audio Connection

2027742300 (Meeting Server Main Number)

Access Code:
993 508 489