AOD Webinar Documents-- Federal, State, and Local Roles and Responsibilities: Addressing the Health and Well-being of People with Disabilities in Disasters Robin Troutman 28 Nov 2018 15:06 UTC


On November 15th 2018, ACL hosted the first of  its triannual webinars to the AOD Networks, to share information on disaster activities. The webinar described "Federal, State, and Local Roles and Responsibilities: Addressing the Health and Well-being of People with Disabilities in Disasters." Presenters included the HHS/ASPR Senior Advisor on At-Risk Individuals (Cheryl Levine, PhD), Arizona's Bureau Chief for Public Health Emergency Preparedness (Teresa Ehnert), and Pierce County, Washington's Access and Functional Needs Coordinator (Serina McWha). The webinar provided a summary of guidance and frameworks that are used at the federal, state, and local levels for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery activities. Speakers described the specific roles and responsibilities at the federal, state, and local levels, working with partners (including the Disability Network), and opportunities for increasing coordination in disaster activities to address the access and functional needs of people with disabilities.

If you participated in the webinar, here is an opportunity for you to provide ACL with some feedback on the webinar by answering a few questions.  This information will assist ACL as it seeks to share information that is beneficial to your emergency and disaster preparedness and response.

The post webinar survey includes questions that rate

(a) the overall webinar using a scale of (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor)

        *   Overall format and organization
        *   Webinar format
        *   Overall learning experience
        *   Chances of using this information

(B)   Two (2) short answer opened-ended questions:

        *   What topic(s) would you be interested in for future Webinars?
        *   Please provide any additional comments or suggestions below.

Link to the survey:

Thank you in advance for your time and feedback.

Allison Cruz, MS Ed.,

Director, Office of Innovation

Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Administration for Community Living

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

(202) 795- 7334  (Office)

(202) 868-9713   (mobile)<>

