FW: REV UP and Get Out the DISABILITY VOTE Robin Troutman 01 Oct 2018 09:47 EDT
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Over the next 5 weeks, on every Tuesday, the REV UP Campaign will issue a new post to help you REV UP and Get Out the DISABILITY VOTE.
The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is a convener, connector, and catalyst for change, increasing the political and economic power of people with disabilities.

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REV UP and Get Out the DISABILITY VOTE<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=693012d050&e=9fcf47cda5>

September 28, 2018

With the midterm elections just over 5 weeks away, it’s imperative if we want to show the power of the disability vote that the disability community prepare to participate and ensure our elected officials are aware of, and can address, the issues that are important to us.

People with disabilities accounted for over 35 million eligible voters in 2016, according to Rutgers University. That figure jumps to over 62 million eligible voters when you count family members in the same household - over 25% of eligible voters.

The disability community represents an important and potentially influential voting bloc. To make the disability vote count, people with disabilities need to be actively involved in the election process and press candidates to give their positions on issues that affect them and their families. Candidates that support the equality and full inclusion of disabled people will benefit from the power of the disability vote.

Over the next 5 weeks, on every Tuesday, the REV UP Campaign will issue a new post to help you REV UP and Get Out the DISABILITY VOTE.

Help us spread the word:
Use the sample social media posts below to help us spread the word about our upcoming Get Out the DISABILITY VOTE series.

  *   Are you ready to Get Out the DISABILITY VOTE? Follow this new series from the #REVUP Campaign to prepare for the upcoming midterm elections. #DisabilityVote18

  *   Time to #REVUP and Get Out the DISABILITY VOTE! This series from @AAPD shares tips to make sure you're prepared for the midterm elections. #DisabilityVote18

As Justin Dart said,
“Vote as if your life depends on it – because it does.”


The REV UP Campaign, launched by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) in 2016, is a nonpartisan initiative that coordinates with national, state, and local disability organizations to increase the political power of the disability community while also engaging candidates and the media on disability issues. The Campaign focuses on voter registration, education, access, and engagement. REV UP stands for Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power!

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