FROM ACL: Funding Opportunities Open for Data Collection and Research Pertaining to People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Robin Troutman 31 May 2018 14:31 UTC
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[Funding Opportunity]

May 31, 2018

Funding Opportunities Open for Data Collection and Research Pertaining to People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

ACL has issued several funding opportunities for data collection and longitudinal research pertaining to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Please see the short descriptions below and links for more details.

State of the States in Developmental Disabilities-On-going Data Collection and Information Dissemination -- The purpose of this project is to maintain national longitudinal research on state fiscal efforts related to services and supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Activities include: analyzing developmental disabilities and financial and programmatic trends in each state;  collaborating with other ACL or other federal agencies data collection projects; developing products for public knowledge and use; and conducting evaluation to demonstrate the impact of the project. View more details and application instructions<>. Deadline for submissions is by midnight on July 25.

The National Residential Information Systems Project (RISP)-On-going Data Collection and Information Dissemination -- The purpose of this project is to maintain national longitudinal research that describes and analyzes the places where people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are provided residential services and to generate reliable information that supports the creation of more effective and efficient policies and programs and greater quality of life. Activities include: conducting high-quality longitudinal research to examine trends in states on residential services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; partnering to conduct research; developing products for public knowledge and use; and using evaluation to demonstrate the impact of the project. View more details and application instructions<>. Deadline for submissions is by midnight on July 23.

Access to Integrated Employment: National Data Collection on Day and Employment Services for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities -- The purpose of this project is to maintain national longitudinal research that describes day and employment services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The research will contribute to an understanding of the factors that influence employment at the individual, service provider, and state levels. The project will assess the employment and economic status of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as the effectiveness of state intellectual and developmental disabilities agencies and vocational rehabilitation agencies in promoting the full inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities through employment and other community activities. To help inform the field, the project will identify and disseminate best practices that states, providers and individuals use to gain integrated, community employment. View more details and application instructions<>. Deadline for submissions is by midnight on July 23.

Email project officer Katherine Cargill-Willis<mailto://> with questions.


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