FW: REV UP Candidate Questionnaire Template - Questions on Disability Rights Issues Robin Troutman 01 May 2018 11:51 EDT
The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is a convener, connector, and catalyst for change, increasing the political and economic power of people with disabilities.

View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/aapd/rev-up-candidate-questionnaire-template-questions-on-disability-rights-issues?e=f12262a12d>

[Rectangular REV UP logo - "REV UP!" with the V as a check mark is in the center of the image. The top line of the image reads "Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power!" The bottom part of the image reads "Make the DISABILITY VOTE count!"]<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=29200d1bb0&e=f12262a12d>

Candidate Questionnaire Template<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=89a11e3d43&e=f12262a12d>

New Template available to support the creation of candidate questionnaires for state & local elections.

The REV UP Campaign<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=6f4b4911d8&e=f12262a12d> is a nonpartisan initiative of the American Association of People with Disabilities<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=7246ea3e7e&e=f12262a12d> (AAPD) that aims to increase the political power of people with disabilities while also engaging candidates and the media on disability rights issues.

A candidate questionnaire is a great tool to help the disability community learn more about the candidates, specifically how the candidates would address issues that impact people with disabilities. They also educate the candidates and make them more aware of the issues that are important to the disability community. This Candidate Questionnaire Template includes a variety of questions addressing topics that are important to the disability community. Advocates can use the Template to develop their own questionnaire for state and local elections.

If you issue a candidate questionnaire for a state or local election, please keep the REV UP Campaign updated on your efforts. You can reach us at xxxxxx@aapd.com<mailto:xxxxxx@aapd.com>.

Access the REV UP Candidate Questionnaire Template<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=9799912b08&e=f12262a12d>

[Flyer for National Disability Voter Registration Week 2018 - the REV UP logo (REV UP - Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power! Make the DISABILITY VOTE count!) is above text "National Disability Voter Registration Week 2017 July 16-20, 2018 www.aapd.com/NDVRW" The hashtags #REVUP and #DisabilityVote18 are in the bottom left and right corners of the image respectively.]<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=f8c5c9628b&e=f12262a12d>

2018 National Disability Voter Registration Week<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=6c2f2da163&e=f12262a12d>
Organizing Call<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=75a1ff6050&e=f12262a12d>
May 15, 2018 | 2pm ET

To prepare for National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW) on July 16-20, the REV UP Campaign will host a National Organizing Call on Tuesday, May 15 at 2pm Eastern Time. During this call, we will discuss the purpose of NDVRW and new REV UP Campaign resources. We will also hear from some of our state REV UP partners on how they have organized in the past as well as their plans for this year. Call participants will have a chance to ask questions at the end of the call.

Additional REV UP Campaign Resources

  *   National Disability Voter Registration Week Toolkit<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=98d0282ba5&e=f12262a12d>
The NDVRW Toolkit includes: a guide on how to organize voter registration events, ideas on other ways to participate in NDVRW, sample social media posts and graphics, and other resources. If you are planning voter registration events or other activities, please keep the REV UP Campaign updated on your efforts.

  *   National Disability Voter Registration Week Social Media Toolkit<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=ec948a98c7&e=f12262a12d>
Sample social media posts and graphics to promote National Disability Voter Registration Week.

  *   Candidate Forum Guide<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=d0a7ccab09&e=f12262a12d>
This Candidate Forum Guide links to existing candidate forum guides, highlights considerations specific to forums organized by the disability community, and outlines how to engage with other candidate forums. If you organize a candidate forum for a state or local race, please keep the REV UP Campaign updated on your efforts.

  *   All 2018 REV UP Campaign Resources<https://aapd.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08dab5cd58ad9250c3f56519f&id=d30b75fccb&e=f12262a12d>
Use this form to access all of the 2018 REV UP Campaign Resources.

Look out for the REV UP Campaign's Issues Guide and Election Accessibility Toolkit coming soon!

The REV UP Campaign, launched by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) in 2016, is a nonpartisan initiative that coordinates with national, state, and local disability organizations to increase the political power of the disability community while also engaging candidates and the media on disability issues. The Campaign focuses on voter registration, education, access, and engagement. REV UP stands for Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power!






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