FW: NOD Job Opening: Director of External Affairs Robin Troutman 25 Apr 2018 13:06 EDT
Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to let you know that NOD will soon begin a search for a new Director of External Affairs, as Miranda Pax will be leaving later this summer to begin a new personal chapter. I would like to ask your support in sharing the job posting with your networks and sharing any likely candidates.

You can find the job description here: https://www.nod.org/job/director-of-external-affairs/

The role of Director of External Affairs is one of the most instrumental positions here at NOD. This person will be charged with leading our marketing and communications agendas; stewarding both corporate and philanthropic relationships; driving engaging programming to support the continued growth of our Corporate Leadership Council and sponsorship opportunities; and facilitating our work in the policy arena and among disability ally organizations.

The work he or she delivers will be paramount to the success of our mission. We are strongly prioritizing outreach to candidates with disabilities and ask for your referrals and/or suggestions. Please send recommendations to our executive recruiting team from Koya Leadership Partners.

Trisha Sutrisno, Vice President

Many thanks for your partnership on this search.


Carol Glazer | President | National Organization on Disability
77 Water Street, Suite 204 | New York, NY 10005 | office 646.277.2402 | fax 646.505.1184
xxxxxx@nod.org<mailto:xxxxxx@nod.org> | NOD.org<http://www.nod.org/> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/cglazer>  | Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/NODAbility> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/carolglazer>

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MARK YOUR CALENDAR | Upcoming NOD Corporate Leadership Council Events
JUNE 20 | NYC Executive Luncheon: "Bringing Our Whole Selves to Work: Harnessing the Power of Difference"<https://www.nod.org/events/executive_luncheon/>
SEPT. 25 | Washington, D.C. Annual Forum + Leading Disability Employers Dinner: "New Frontiers in Disability Employment"<https://www.nod.org/events/disability-employment-forum/>
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