Friday success and shout out to the Pennsylvania DD Council Claire Mantonya DHS (03 Feb 2017 12:52 EST)
Re: DD Councils Friday success and shout out to the Pennsylvania DD Council DDPC- Norma L. Smith (03 Feb 2017 13:48 EST)

Re: DD Councils Friday success and shout out to the Pennsylvania DD Council DDPC- Norma L. Smith 03 Feb 2017 13:48 EST

Great job, and I would brag too!

Have a great weekend,


On Fri, 3 Feb 2017 10:52:43 -0700, Claire Mantonya DHS wrote
> Greetings and some Friday bragging from Salt Lake City!
> Utah's self-advocacy speaker's network is a project managed by our sister
> agency - the Utah State Center for Persons with Disabilities. This
> week a panel of 3 speakers shared their perspectives in a
> presentation to 59 direct line prison staff on disability issues and
> it was very well received.  (The facilitator noted that he had not
> had his trainees so engaged with any speakers he has used in the
> past.)
> During the presentation they utilized a great video resource found
> on the internet produced by the Pennsylvania Council in 2015 -
> "Disability in the Criminal Justice System: Best Practices for Law
> Enforcement and Corrections."
> Thank you Pennsylvania!  It was a great addition to our presentation
> and I wanted to let everyone know of this resource!
> Have a great weekend!
> Claire
> --
> Claire Mantonya
> Utah Developmental Disabilities Council
> 801-533-3965
> 801-201-9110 - cell

Norma L. Smith
Executive Director
Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
Department of Human and Social Services
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Telephone: 684-633-0315 / 684-633-2696
Fax 633-2919