Any state recognizing FASD as a DD / eligible for long term support Swedeen, Beth - BPDD (07 Jun 2016 11:08 EDT)
RE: Any state recognizing FASD as a DD / eligible for long term support Howell, Britteny M (HSS) (07 Jun 2016 13:08 EDT)

RE: Any state recognizing FASD as a DD / eligible for long term support Howell, Britteny M (HSS) 07 Jun 2016 13:07 EDT

FASD is not listed as one of 5 qualifying diagnoses for the IDD waiver in Alaska. Technically, if an individual meets eligibility criterion they would receive LTSS, however, this is rarely the case. The ICAP that Alaska uses for eligibility excludes most individuals with FASD, except those with severely impaired physical functioning and IQ below 70.

Britteny M. Howell, M.A., ABD
Research Analyst III
Governor's Council on Disabilities & Special Education
Phone: 907-269-8926
Fax: 907-269-8995
State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Senior and Disabilities Services
3601 C Street, Suite 740
Anchorage, AK 99503

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Swedeen, Beth - BPDD
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 7:08 AM
Subject: DD Councils Any state recognizing FASD as a DD / eligible for long term support

We are meeting with an FASD family grassroots group that wants our long term care system to recognize FASD as eligible for long term supports. Do any of your states include FASD in their state definition or recognize it as eligible for LTSS?


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