Seeking PAS Users for Study About Personal Assistance Workers Shannon, Dan (ADD) 09 Feb 2016 15:29 EST
The Disability Rights and Education Fund (DREDF) in California is partnering with the Community Living Policy Center (CLPC) at the University of California, San Francisco to "conduct interviews with a diverse group of personal assistance services (PAS) users to learn more about what they want, if anything, in terms of PAS worker training".

Please feel free to distribute the survey-it is a nationwide effort.

Individuals who are selected to participate in a phone interview will receive a $25 Target gift card.  See the attached for details.

Daniel M. Shannon, Executive Director
MA Developmental Disabilities Council
100 Hancock St., Suite 201
Quincy, MA 02171
Phone - 617-770-7676 X108
Fax - 617-770-1987<>

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."
Robert F. Kennedy

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