Results Based Accountability Schwartz, Karen (27 Feb 2015 16:49 EST)
Re: DD Councils Results Based Accountability Tewell - CDHS, Marcia (27 Feb 2015 16:53 EST)
RE: Results Based Accountability Tracy Warren (27 Feb 2015 16:57 EST)
RE: Results Based Accountability Swedeen, Beth - BPDD (27 Feb 2015 17:03 EST)
RE: Results Based Accountability Egan, Christopher (02 Mar 2015 12:42 EST)
RE: Results Based Accountability Shannon, Dan (ADD) (27 Feb 2015 17:04 EST)
RE: Results Based Accountability Sheryl Matney (27 Feb 2015 17:12 EST)
Re: DD Councils Results Based Accountability Lawyer, Heidi (VBPD) (27 Feb 2015 17:19 EST)

Results Based Accountability Schwartz, Karen 27 Feb 2015 16:49 EST

The State of Vermont asked me to tap our network expertise to collect ideas for indicators of the quality of community supports,  to build into contracts with service providers.

Here's request from State:

Vermont is interested in what other States are using for measurement tools and/or outcome measures to help look at how well people with developmental disabilities are supported to be part of their communities and in developing relationships – including:
1.       Quantitative measures – such as how much or how often people are involved in their communities – which may provide opportunities for more meaningful connections (other than what can be obtained via the NCI Adult Consumer Survey).
2.       Qualitative measures – such as developing relationships, making social connections, spending time with people not paid to be with them.

Info on what your state is using as indicators -- or ideas based on your experience -- would be appreciated.


Karen Schwartz
Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council
Cell 802-585-5441
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