NACDD is thrilled to be a partner of the American Association of People with Disabilities and REVUP for the National Disability Voter Registration Week which starts today!

Here are some points on why people with disabilities should vote!
The disability vote is powerful. In 2020, over 38 million voters with disabilities were eligible to vote. However, there is a persistent 7 percentage point gap in turnout between voters with and without disabilities.
People with disabilities were twice as likely to face a difficulty or barrier when voting in 2020. Despite laws like the Americans with Disabilities and the Help America Vote Act, access barriers continue to keep voters with disabilities from casting a ballot safely, independently, and in private.
Disabled voters of color face compounding barriers to the polls, particularly in states that have enacted strict voting laws that limits access to the ballot, such as restrictive ID laws, bans on curbside or drive thru voting, and limited use of drop boxes or vote my mail.
There are thousands of local, state, and tribal offices up for election in 2021. Local elections can sometimes have even more direct impacts on our day to day lives than federal elections, so voting in elections taking place in your community is critical!
This year in particular, voting rights have been under attack. As the late Representative and civil rights champion John Lewis said, "The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed. You can lose it." In nearly every state, anti-voting laws and bills threaten our right and access to participate in elections. Voting and advocating for our voting rights has rarely been more important.
Here is an action item for DAY ONE!  I will send out new action items each day this week as well!
Monday, September 13: Register to vote or check your registration. Go to<> and enter your information to begin registering to vote. This link will allow you to check your registration information and go to your state's official voter registration website. Even if you think you are registered to

Robin Troutman (she/her)
Deputy Director
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC  20006
202.506.5813 Ext. 105 (Phone)<><>
