FW: Register Today! Accessibility and the COVID-19 Vaccine Experience for People with Disabilities Robin Troutman 07 Sep 2021 13:37 EDT

From: Denise Rozell <xxxxxx@lists.aucd.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 1:20 PM
To: AUCD Morehouse National COVID-19 Resiliency Network <xxxxxx@lists.aucd.org>
Subject: Register Today! Accessibility and the COVID-19 Vaccine Experience for People with Disabilities

            View Online<https://www.aucd.org/template/event.cfm?event_id=8901&id=379&parent=379>
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Accessibility and the COVID-19 Vaccine
Experience for People with Disabilities
Monday, September 13, 2021, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET

[Register Button]<https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEocu-tqz0sH9VenOCAjIpscb4C4XZ1ws3k>

Webinar Description:
You are invited to join the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) and the National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN) for a webinar on strategies and tools for accessibility in the COVID-19 vaccine experience. Persons with disabilities experience difficult barriers in getting the COVID-19 vaccine such as having accessible formats of COVID-19 vaccine information and materials and providing reasonable accommodations.

What we will talk about?

  *   The intersectionality of how race, ethnicity, and disability connect.
  *   The importance of COVID-19 vaccines for people with disabilities.

What we will explain?

  *   What do "accessibility" and "disability" mean?
  *   How can we be accessible when we share information about the COVID-19 vaccine and in future public health emergencies?

AUCD network members and partners will share examples of accessibility by showing the different ways you can create messaging and materials about COVID-19 vaccines that are accessible. Presenters with disabilities and expertise will talk about:

  *   Accessible formats like plain language, ASL/CART, and universal design.
  *   Accessibility in vaccine communication efforts.
  *   Accessibility in the vaccine sign-up process and at vaccine sites


  *   Race - A way we talk about groups of people based on how they look or their family history
  *   Ethnicity - a group of people who share their own culture, history, language, religion, and set of traditions
  *   Pandemic - A outbreak of a disease that spreads among many people over a wide area
  *   Resiliency - the ability to be strong

Please Note:

  *   This webinar will have an ASL interpreter and CART live-captioning. For additional disability accommodations please email Jennifer Tuell at xxxxxx@aucd.org<mailto:xxxxxx@aucd.org> two weeks prior to the event with name of event and accommodation preference in your response.
  *   There is no cost for this webinar.
  *   CEUs are not offered for this webinar.
  *   This webinar will be held on the Zoom Platform. You can test your connection with Zoom before joining the meeting here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115002262083-How-Do-I-Test-Prior-to-Joining-a-Meeting-__;!!F9wkZZsI-LA!Sodc0R_lilGox-kJknok445RDtbB-M2BQJQ7_iqqgQap0qI3aqQW6op1Kr0Mcj4YzinU$>.
  *   This webinar will be archived and available on the AUCD Webinar Library<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.aucd.org/resources/webinars.cfm__;!!F9wkZZsI-LA!Sodc0R_lilGox-kJknok445RDtbB-M2BQJQ7_iqqgQap0qI3aqQW6op1Kr0Mcr01TJnu$>.


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