FW: Reminder - Disability Vote Summit - September 14th Robin Troutman 03 Sep 2021 11:58 EDT

Hello All,

I hope this email finds you well. As I'm sure you've heard by now, on September 14, from 12pm to 4pm EST, the National Disability Rights Network and the American Association of People with Disabilities will host the Disability Vote Summit, with help from NACDD, SABE, and NFB. This virtual Disability Vote Summit will explore how we can use data to better understand and  mobilize the power of the disability vote. Over 38 million people with disabilities were eligible to vote in 2021, and disability vote organizers across the country are working to build the power of this voting blog in all levels of elections.

The virtual Summit, will explore:

  *   The power of the disability vote
  *   Lessons learned from 2020 turnout
  *   How to use data to mobilize the disability vote

Confirmed presenters include representatives from Rutgers University, the National Disability Rights Network, National Federation of the Blind, SABE Go Voter Project, and more! Join national disability advocates, state and local organizers, policymakers, and others who are working to get out the disability vote.

Register for the summit at bit.ly/disabilityvotesummit2021<https://bit.ly/disabilityvotesummit2021>!

If you have any questions, please contact Lilian Aluri at xxxxxx@aapd.com<mailto:xxxxxx@aapd.com> or Jack Rosen at xxxxxx@ndrn.org<mailto:xxxxxx@ndrn.org>. ASL and CART will be provided during the Summit.

Attached to this e-mail are flyers for the summit.  We would appreciate it if you could share this invitation with others in your network that may be interested in the topic.