LIVE TRAINING FROM ELEVATUS: Break Down the Walls: Support Healthy Sexuality for LGBTQ+ People with I/DD Robin Troutman 24 Aug 2021 10:50 EDT
Join us for a deep dive into the issues and barriers LGBTQ people with I/DD face, and learn to support them to become sexually healthy.
About this event
LGBTQ people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have felt invisible during sexuality education classes or when someone is supporting them around the topic of sexuality. They want and need access to support and sexuality education that acknowledges and appreciates their whole selves. Speaking from personal experiences, the presenters will delve deep into issues and barriers that impact LGBTQ people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and focus on knowledge and supports that are affirming and liberating to the LGBTQ community. Topics will include human rights, dating, body image, and sexual acts.
This ONLINE training (via video conference) is designed for professionals, self-advocates, and sexuality educators, to better support the LGBTQ people with intellectual and developmental disabilities they work with, care about or teach, either in a one on one or class setting.
Participants will be able to...

  *   Reflect on the stories of LGBTQ individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to better offer support
  *   Explain LGBTQ terms and concepts in accessible language
  *   Provide sexuality education that supports relationships and sexual health for LGBTQ individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (including dating while LGBTQ, gender transition and sex, non-heterosexual sex, etc.)
  *   Answer questions related to LGBTQ sex and sexuality
  *   Respond to difficult situations to support of the rights of LGBTQ people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Friday, Oct 1, 2021, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm eastern time
This training WILL sell out quickly, there are only 25 seats. Register today to secure your spot.
Tuition: Tuition for this training is $225, and includes: Power Point of presentation, pre and post training resources, live Q&A, and email access to the instructors.
This is a live, online training. We use Zoom, a video conference platform to deliver the training. There will be opportunity for questions and live engagement with the presenters and other participants.
Access Instructions: After you register you will get a confirmation email with instructions on how to access the training (please check your spam, AND whitelist<>, and<> if you don't get an email). You must have a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a mic on your computer to join. We strongly recommend each attendee participate from their own computer to assure the best use of breakout groups.
Registration Policies


Robin Troutman (she/her)
Deputy Director
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC  20006
202.506.5813 Ext. 105 (Phone)<><>
