FYI From: <> On Behalf Of Lilian Aluri Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 5:25 PM To:; Subject: [Voting Rights] Build the Power of the Disability Vote During National Disability Voter Registration Week 2021! Hello fellow organizers, I invite you all to participate in National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW)<>, September 13-20, and join organizers across the country as we build the power of the disability vote! National Disability Voter Registration Week, hosted by the American Association of People with Disabilities' REV UP Voting Campaign<>, is a nonpartisan initiative to make sure voters with disabilities are registered and ready to vote and call attention to issue important to voters with disabilities. Why participate in National Disability Voter Registration Week? Roughly 1 in 4 American adults has a disability, and over 38 million people with disabilities were eligible to vote in 2020! Unfortunately, there is about a 7% turnout gap<> between voters with and without disabilities. Much of this gap comes from the increased barriers that disabled voters, and particularly disabled voters of color face throughout the process from registering to vote to casting a ballot. As we have witnessed this year, hundreds of pieces of state legislation threaten access to the ballot. National Disability Voter Registration Week provides an opportunity to advocate for voting access and ensure that voters with disabilities in your communities are registered and ready to vote in upcoming elections. Learn how to get involved in National Disability Voter Registration Week! Not sure how to get involved? Join one of our trainings, tomorrow 8/11 at 2pm EST<> or next Wednesday 8/11 at 7pm EST<>. During the trainings, disability and voting rights organizers will share why and how to get involved in NDVRW. American Sign Language interpreting and CART captioning will be provided, and for additional accommodation requests contact me at<>. Join the Training 8/5 at 2pm EST<> | Join the Training 8/11 at 7pm EST<> Thank you all and let me know if you have any questions! You can find additional information about NDVRW in the email forwarded below! Take care, Lilian ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: AAPD <<>> Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 4:44 PM Subject: Are you ready for National Disability Voter Registration Week 2021? To: <<>> Learn how to get involved in our upcoming trainings! [] National Disability Voter Registration Week is just around the corner! National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW) will be September 13-20, 2021. Are you ready? We've got you covered with a training and toolkits to come with everything you need to participate in NDVRW 2021 and get out the disability vote in your community! [] Get Involved in National Disability Voter Registration Week 2021 Join us for a virtual NDVRW 2021 training<> on August 5 at 2pm EST or August 11 at 7pm EST to learn how to get involved in NDVRW 2021! During these trainings, we will share tips for hosting events, engaging candidates, educating voters, and using digital outreach to build the power of the disability vote in your communities! ASL and CART will be provided during this call, and for additional accommodations email Lilian Aluri at<>. In the mean time, check out our NDVRW website and stay tuned for social media and organizing toolkits with tips for planning events and outreach! Join the Training on August 5 at 2pm EST<> Join the Training on August 11 at 7pm EST<> [Two medium brown skin women with dark brown hair sit at a table wearing white REV UP tshirts. The table has a "Register to Vote" sign, cupcakes, and a blue, white, and red striped table cloth on it.] Host an event to register and engage voters with disabilities! You can host a voter registration drive in your community to get folks registered and ready to vote in 2021 and beyond! [A group of people of diverse racial backgrounds and disabilities stand or sit on marble stairs holding REV UP signs surrounding Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas.] Ask local officials to issue a proclamation for National Disability Voter Registration Week! Use this sample proclomation<> to get your Mayor or Governor to declare NDVRW during September 13-20, 2021. [At a tent-covered booth outside a building, a Black voter in a power chair uses an accessible voting machine while others stand around them. On the table is a National Disability Voter Registration Week banner.] Get creative with your NDVRW activities! Make use of outdoor spaces to stay safe during the pandemic, and consider new ways to engage voters, such as demonstrating how to use accessible voting machines and incorporating art and culture. Sign up for REV UP Emails<> [Facebook]<> [Twitter]<> [Link]<> [Website]<> Copyright © 2021 American Association of People with Disabilities, All rights reserved. You are receiving this e-newsletter because you opted in on our website. Our mailing address is: American Association of People with Disabilities 2013 H Street, NW 5th Floor Washington, DC 20006 Add us to your address book<> Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences<> or unsubscribe from this list<>. [Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp]<> -- Lilian Aluri REV UP Voting Campaign Coordinator American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) Pronouns: She/Her/Hers 2013 H Street NW, 5th Floor<,+5th+FloorWashington,+DC+20006&entry=gmail&source=g> Washington, DC 20006<,+5th+FloorWashington,+DC+20006&entry=gmail&source=g><> ________________________________ To unsubscribe from this listserv please send email to<>