FW: SNAP Waivers & Flexibilities Report from APHSA Robin Troutman 07 Jun 2021 13:01 EDT


American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) has been conducting research to document how state SNAP agencies have adapted during the pandemic and captures their reflections on lessons learned for future SNAP administration. I am writing to share their new report - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Waivers and Adaptations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey of State Agency Perspective in 2020<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=ef38dfb6a5&e=638b51d85a> – co-written with researchers from  the Johns Hopkins Institute for Health and Social Policy based at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

The report goes into extensive detail documenting how Congressionally-authorized flexibilities were utilized in the first year of the pandemic and provides a number of recommendations on federal actions to strengthen SNAP administration in the future and help states build more resilient and accessible SNAP programs. You can read the cliff notes that summarize key findings and recommendations in the Executive Summary<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=2917f71c01&e=638b51d85a> or dive into the detailed analysis in the Full Report<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=5518b97485&e=638b51d85a>. Whereas this report captures survey results from state agencies in December of 2020, a second report will be released later this summer that captures additional qualitative feedback through state focus groups conducted in April of 2021.

Please contact Chloe Green<mailto:xxxxxx@aphsa.org> at APHSA with any questions.


Katie Marx – she/her/hers

Policy Coordinator

Center for Science in the Public Interest

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