FW: Outreach for upcoming Arlington County RFP for DD Consultant Robin Troutman 07 May 2021 10:33 EDT

Hello everyone
Please see announcement from Arlington County VA

From: Maimoona Bah-Duckenfield <xxxxxx@arlingtonva.us<mailto:xxxxxx@arlingtonva.us>>
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 10:58 PM
To: Info <xxxxxx@nacdd.org<mailto:xxxxxx@nacdd.org>>
Subject: Outreach for upcoming Arlington County RFP for DD Consultant

Dear Colleague,

I am reaching out hoping that your association can assist us with outreach for an upcoming RFP seeking a Developmental Disabilities Day Consultant.  To give some background, our Developmental Disabilities Bureau is seeking a consultant to conduct a  needs assessment and review of the Developmental Disabilities Services' (DDS) day support and employment services programs. In recent years, Arlington Public Schools (APS) has experienced steady increases in the number of students with developmental disabilities aging out of special education services and projects similar increases in the coming years. There is limited capacity for employment and day support services in Arlington.  Only two County programs, the Community Integration Center (CIC) and ArlingtonWeaves, Etc. routinely operate at or near capacity. As a result, many individuals with developmental disabilities receive day support and employment services through non-County programs that are operated in Fairfax County as far out as Oakton and Chantilly. The non-County programs are highly competitive.

The comprehensive needs assessment should address service delivery for individuals with developmental disabilities and include identification and evaluation of existing day support and employment programs in Arlington County, Northern Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and other states. The deliverable will be recommendations for best practices, new and innovative services, new service model designs, and funding options.

I hope that your association can connect us to potential interests for this unique opportunity.

Thank you.

Maimoona Bah-Duckenfield, LCSW

Pronouns: she/her

Division Chief, Arlington Aging & Disability Services


2100 Washington Blvd. 4th Fl.
Arlington, VA  22204
703-228-1709 (Direct) 703-228-1174 (Fax)


"Learn from the past, live in the now and be optimistic about the future." ~ Anonymous

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