FW: Virtual Leadership Institute Applications Now Open! Robin Troutman 26 Apr 2021 10:38 EDT
The National Leadership Consortium is taking applications for the summer Virtual Leadership Institute.  Apply soon!  As a reminder NACDD is able to support someone from the DD Councils (ED, Staff, Member) to attend this Institute.  Reach out to Robin or Donna for more details

Partner Rate now open for this June 2021, 4-week intensive leadership development program designed for seasoned and emerging leaders.
Applications for the summer Virtual Leadership Institute<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=9c4fc78e0a&e=4b964c5027> are now open! Apply soon and take advantage of our Partner Rate! Please help us spread the word by forwarding this message to anyone or any groups who may be interested.
The 2021 Summer Virtual Leadership Institute<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=aab895e48b&e=4b964c5027>

The Leadership Institute is virtual! COVID-19 has created a new sense of urgency to transform our service system. In this time we must take definitive action and move forward to create systems of support that rely on community rather than facilities. That's why we launched The Virtual Leadership Institute<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=d8ff174566&e=4b964c5027>. This four week, starting June 7, online intensive leadership development program is designed for seasoned and emerging leaders. You may work in areas of executive leadership, management, or program leadership in organizations that provide, advocate for, or fund supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

The Virtual Leadership Institute focuses on assessing and strengthening leadership skills needed to:

  *   Succeed in challenges unique to the intellectual and developmental disabilities field today
  *   Understand the future of the intellectual and developmental disabilities field
  *   Manage and sustain person-centered, values-based transformational change
  *   Build and sustain positive organizational culture at all levels
  *   Challenge the status quo through risk-taking
  *   Set and achieve ambitious goals for yourself and your organization
You will come away with demonstrated leadership ability informed by values critical for quality, individualized supports. To download a PDF of the schedule, click here<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=ac71c07a63&e=4b964c5027>.

A highlight of the course for past participants has been the enduring relationships they've built. By participating, you'll become part of a network of some of the most influential leaders in the field.

Applications are due by May 7, 2021. Although the fee is usually $1500, we are offering a Partner Rate of $1250! Please indicate on the application (using the link in this email) your affiliation with the National Leadership Consortium partner(s) to take advantage of this offer.


The Virtual Leadership Institute will meet via Zoom over four weeks for up to 4.5 hours/day. See exact dates and times here<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=f438e2643b&e=4b964c5027>.

  *   Start: June 7, 2021
  *   End: June 30, 2021
Participation will be limited to 30 selected leaders so apply soon! This limited class size offers opportunity for collaboration and building a lifetime network of peers to sustain career growth.

Learn More and Apply Here<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=7c61bb6474&e=4b964c5027>

This Virtual Leadership Institute is a robust platform for an experiential, just-in-time learning of the "next practices" from trailblazers and change makers in the disabilities field. The course materials, facilitation and delivery were flawless. The presentations by the guest speakers and the case studies have been an eye opener for me to reimagine the design and delivery of services for persons with disabilities during COVID 19 and beyond.
-Ramu Iyer, PROVAIL, Employment Consultant, Virtual Leadership Institute 2020

Why Attend a Virtual Leadership Institute?

The Virtual Leadership Institute will incorporate technology and the best aspects of in-person training – a group of peer learners, top national speakers, leadership development, and engagement – to create opportunities for broader participation, organizational involvement and learning. This Virtual Leadership Institute will support a wide range of emerging leaders and provide training in the way that today’s workforce operates: online and connected.

Apply Here for the Partner Discount<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=6b3a6dd5fb&e=4b964c5027>

For questions, please reach out to Kristen Loomis, Director of Programs: xxxxxx@udel.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@udel.edu?subject=2020%20Virtual%20Leadership%20Institute>

To visit our website and find out more, click here<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=096434bc19&e=4b964c5027>

The National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=08a1f0d1e7&e=4b964c5027> is a program of  the University of Delaware’s Department of Human Development and Family Sciences.

University of Delaware · 111 Allison Hall W · Newark, DE 19716-3398 · USA