FW: Invitation: Sharing the Results from National Study about Future Financial Planning for People with Disabilities Robin Troutman 14 Apr 2021 15:56 EDT
Results of National Study about Future Financial Planning for People with Disabilities


Please join researchers from The National Leadership Consortium on May 5th at 1:00pm EST for an informational session sharing findings from our national Future Financial Planning for People with Disabilities study!

Planning for their financial future is essential for people with disabilities, but we know that many people and their families need more support to make financial decisions that will ensure their future wellbeing. The National Leadership Consortium has just completed a national study focused on opportunities to improve support for people with disabilities and their families as they plan. Please join us on May 5th at 1:00 pm ET for a free informational session about our study.

We will share interview and survey findings from financial, legal, and disabilities experts, as well as people with disabilities and their family members, that illustrate the current state of future financial planning for people with disabilities including promising practices. We will answer questions about our work and discuss opportunities to contribute to this important topic in the future.

Register for the Informational Session Here<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=6d5e2f03d3&e=cdcbc1e71b>

We hope that you will join us on May 5th! If you are not available during that time, but would still like a recording of the presentation, please sign up and we will send you a recording of the presentation and a report of our findings in June 2021.
If you have any questions about the session, please don't hesitate to email the research team of the National Leadership Consortium:
Caitlin Bailey, Ph.D. (xxxxxx@udel.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@udel.edu>)
Cory Gilden, Ph.D. ABD (xxxxxx@udel.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@udel.edu>)

On behalf of the National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities, thank you for your interest in this important topic.

This study was generously supported by the May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust.

Register for the Informational Session Here<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=1cb4111dd4&e=cdcbc1e71b>

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