FW: Apply to be an ABLE NRC BIPOC Ambassador Robin Troutman 23 Feb 2021 11:16 EST

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ABLE NRC Outreach to Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Communities in 2021
Apply to be a 2021 BIPOC Ambassador!
ABLE Friends,
The ABLE National Resource Center (ABLE NRC) is pleased to announce the launch of our 2021 ABLE NRC BIPOC Ambassador program<https://ablenrc.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ea6584491b7ab9daf6b074fe6&id=578285c5b7&e=6343401aa9> and the opportunity for four more BIPOC ABLE account owners to join our initiative. We will be working to increase awareness and engagement around ABLE accounts among minority populations who experience higher rates of poverty at the intersection of race and disability. With the help of our BIPOC Ambassadors, we feel confident that 2021 will be the year that more BIPOC individuals and families will experience the benefit of tax-advantaged ABLE savings accounts.
If you are an ABLE account owner or have a family member with an ABLE account and you are a leader in your BIPOC community, we invite you to apply to become a member of the ABLE NRC BIPOC Ambassador program.
The BIPOC workgroup meets monthly to brainstorm and collaborate outreach strategies for ABLE NRC. Individual members work with ABLE NRC leadership to identify opportunities and activities for outreach utilizing their networks. ABLE NRC will provide a $500 stipend into the ABLE accounts of BIPOC Ambassadors or their family members upon completion of our 2021 work.
The new* deadline for application is: Sunday, March 7, 2021.

Apply to be an Ambassador<https://ablenrc.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ea6584491b7ab9daf6b074fe6&id=9d88f3e0bb&e=6343401aa9>

* This updated deadline has been extended due to an error in the electronic application submission process. If you tried to submit an application before and were unsuccessful, please try again. If you have any difficulties, please e-mail xxxxxx@ablenrc.org<mailto:xxxxxx@ablenrc.org>.

Learn about our current BIPOC Ambassadors!
Read what some of our BIPOC Ambassadors have to say about the work we will be doing together.<https://ablenrc.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ea6584491b7ab9daf6b074fe6&id=c7a32371a4&e=6343401aa9>

[2021 BIPOC Ambassadors]<https://ablenrc.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ea6584491b7ab9daf6b074fe6&id=de9a89c95a&e=6343401aa9>
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