FW: Professional Development Opportunity! Robin Troutman 02 Feb 2021 13:57 EST

From: The Association for Successul Parenting (TASP) <xxxxxx@achancetoparent.net>
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 1:44 PM
To: Robin Troutman <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>
Subject: Professional Development Opportunity!

Register today for TASP's live, interactive, virtual training for professionals. Space is limited and we only have 8 slots left!


Do you work with parents with IDD?  Do you want to learn how to modify your skill set to better serve parent(s) with an intellectual and/or developmental disability?

In this training, you will learn how to:

  *   State the ADA legal rationale to require service providers to accommodate the learning style and needs of a parent(s).
  *   Identify the learning style, strengths and needs of a parent(s).
  *   Partner with a parent(s) to set goals that are realistic, reasonable, and fair.
  *   Break goals down into action steps and learning tasks that allow a parent(s) to demonstrate reasonable progress.
  *   Utilize appropriate and measurable cognitive behavioral strategies and materials to assist a parent(s) in meeting his/her goals.
  *   Identify and monitor coordinated teams, including formal and informal supports to fulfill specific roles in providing services to a parent(s).
  *   Evaluate and report on reasonable progress.
And so much more!

Register today to get the EARLY BIRD rate!<https://achancetoparent.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a58f3f73ff0824833a06a722c&id=4c330aa6c5&e=ca3419a81f>

Interested in scheduling a private training for your agency?  We can do that!  Email us at us at xxxxxx@achancetoparent.net<mailto:xxxxxx@achancetoparent.net> to find out more and get a group rate.

Visit the TASP Website<https://achancetoparent.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a58f3f73ff0824833a06a722c&id=e70800cc42&e=ca3419a81f>

We welcome you to share and forward this email.
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view this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/7322201f1c1a/tasps-new-live-virtual-interactive-training-is-here-10877802?e=ca3419a81f>

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Our mailing address is:
4901 Harford Road #3502
Baltimore, MD 21214

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The Association for Successful Parenting · PO Box 3502 · Baltimore, MD 21214-0502 · USA

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