FW: You're Invited! Webinar on COVID-19: A Closer Look: Face Masks and People with Disabilities - December 9 at 2PM EST Robin Troutman 24 Nov 2020 15:20 EST

[Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation Logo]
[COVID-19 Accessible Materials for People with Disabilities Project Webinar series]

A Closer Look: Face Masks and People with Disabilities

Wednesday, December 9, 2020
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST

Registration Link<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-closer-look-face-masks-and-people-with-disabilties-tickets-126605952813>

Early registration is required. Registration closes 1 hour before the live webinar begins.

In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and many state and local governments recommend wearing a face mask or face covering in public places and around people who do not live in the same household, in addition to other prevention measures such as handwashing and social distancing. Some disabilities make it difficult or impossible to wear a face mask and some individuals with mobility/movement disorders have difficulty putting on, adjusting, and/or removing a face mask without assistance. This webinar outlines CDC’s face mask guidelines and explores solutions to challenges some people with disabilities experience in attempting to follow the guidance. Participants will receive tips, resources, and guidance for wearing face masks to protect themselves from COVID-19.

Target Audience
This is an introductory level webinar for anyone interested in learning more about the CDC’s face mask guidelines and solutions to challenges people with disabilities may experience related to wearing face masks.

Click here to register<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-closer-look-face-masks-and-people-with-disabilties-tickets-126605952813> for this free webinar and please share with your colleagues, clients and community. Webinars are presented through Zoom. Captions and American Sign Language will be available. All webinars are recorded and the archive, transcript, accessible presentation, as well as additional handouts will be made available within one week of the live webinar.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1.  Describe 3 challenges for some people with disabilities related to wearing face masks.
  2.  List 3 tangible solutions to address challenges for some people with disabilities related to wearing face masks.
  3.  Identify 3 face mask resources to support health for people with disabilities.

Continuing Education Credits:
Participants in this webinar will qualify for CEUs through the AAC Institute and CRCs through the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC).

Additional webinars:
Please save the dates for additional webinars in the series:

  *   A Closer Look: Mental Health and Resilience within the Disability Community During COVID-19<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mental-health-and-resilience-in-the-disability-community-during-covid-19-tickets-126606203563> - Wednesday, December 16, at 2:00 PM
  *    Making Social Media Accessible for People with Disabilities <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/making-social-media-accessible-for-people-with-disabilities-tickets-129538660621> - Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 2:00 PM
  *   A Closer Look: Guidance for Business and Employers Considering the Needs of People with Disabilities during COVID-19<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/covid-19-guidance-businesses-and-employers-and-disability-needs-tickets-126836103199?aff=erelpanelorg> - Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 2:00 PM

For questions about this webinar or would like more information about the COVID-19 Accessible Materials for People with Disabilities Project, please contact xxxxxx@gatfl.gatech.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@gatfl.gatech.edu>.

This webinar series is made possible due to funding from the CDC Foundation along with technical assistance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

[AAC Institute Logo][Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) logo]

Best Regards,

Liz Persaud
Co-PI and Dissemination Team Lead for GT and CDC Foundation COVID-19 Accessible Materials Project

Program and Outreach Manager | Tools for Life
Center for Inclusive Design & Innovation | Services & Education
Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Design
512 Means Street | Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30318

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