The 2020 Census ends on September 30th, 2020! Robin Troutman 21 Sep 2020 12:02 EDT
The 2020 Census ends on September 30th, 2020!
The COVID-19 pandemic and many existing barriers have meant that many marginalized communities have yet to be counted. These communities are already historically undercounted, and there is so much at risk if they are missed. As of September 14:

  *   75% of predominantly Black tracts have rates lower than in 2010,
  *   74% of predominantly Hispanic tracts have rates lower than in 2010,
  *   58% of predominantly Asian tracts have rates lower than in 2010, and
  *   54% of tracts that are predominantly non-Hispanic White have lower rates than in 2010.
What you can do during these last days?

  1.  Join and promote a national text bank that will text people that may not have responded to the 2020 Census to get people counted! We'll share graphics that you can post online or send to your lists.
     *   September 22 from 1 pm - 3 pm ET NATIONAL CENSUS TEXT BANK, RSVP HERE<> Texting people that may not have responded to the 2020 Census in  New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Chicago, South Carolina, and New Jersey
     *   September 24,  6 pm - 8 pm ET NATIONAL CENSUS TEXT BANK,  RSVP HERE<>. Texting people who may not have responded to the 2020 Census in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arizona, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Georgia.
  2.  Host a phone or text bank and/or encourage your staff or supporters to join one of the events below!
     *   NALEO and National LGBTQ Task Force Virtual House Party and Spanish Language Phone bank: Register Here<> September 23 9-11:30 pm ET
     *   Send an email out to your network encouraging your members or supporters to fill out the census.
  3.  Participate in the census challenge starting Monday Sept. 21, see more here<>
  4.  Post on social media ut the importance of the census. Graphics HERE<>.
  5.  Have a field organizer, community leader or your organization's leadership write an op-ed or letter-to-the-editor about the importance of the census.
  6.  Educate your staff, board, and volunteers by providing virtual census questionnaire assistance.
     *   Census Bureau MQA information.<>
     *   Census Counts Virtual Questionnaire Assistance Factsheet here.<>
  7.  Ask that your staff insert a census reminder into their email signature.
  8.  Add a census banner to your organization's webpage leading to

Robin Troutman
Deputy Director
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC  20006
202.506.5813 Ext. 105 (Phone)<><>
Pronouns: she/her
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