FW: Webinar on Inclusive Distance Learning for Students with Intellectual Disability - 10/2 Robin Troutman 15 Sep 2020 13:56 EDT
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Topic: Instructional Planning for School and Distance Learning for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Inclusive Environments

Date/time: Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 2:00 PM ET

Description: School districts are utilizing a multitude of scenarios regarding how school will be held this school year. For some instruction is happening in the school building and for others instruction is continuing with distance learning. Furthermore, some schools are using a hybrid of the two and it is likely that the manner in which instruction is provided may need to pivot during the year because of the impact of the pandemic. How can schools and families figure out what instruction will look like this year and how to make it meaningful? The TIES Center, which is the national technical assistance center on inclusive practices and policies for students with significant cognitive disabilities, will review the 5C Process which is used for identifying learning priorities for each student with intellectual disabilities and building continuity between their inclusive environments and instructional supports to provide meaningful instruction across their day.

Terri Vandercook, Ph.D. is the Assistant Director of the TIES Center, the national technical assistance center on inclusive practices and policies for students with significant cognitive disabilities. She started her career as a special education teacher and then moved into teacher training as an Associate Professor. She has worked with and learned from individuals with significant cognitive disabilities, their families, and team members for over 40 years and has published in the areas of inclusive education, collaborative teaming, and effective instruction.

Gail Ghere, Ph.D. is a Research Associate with the TIES Center. After starting her career as a related service provider and retiring as a special education director, she joined the TIES Center to continue working to build sustainable inclusive educational programs for students with disabilities, particularly those with significant cognitive disabilities. She has published in the areas of inclusive education, paraprofessional development and program evaluation.

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