RE: Intellectual & developmental disabilities & community participation research PCORI story has published! Robin Troutman 10 Sep 2020 11:22 EDT

New story from Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)- please share

Breaking Down Barriers for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Their Families

People living with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families often face barriers to participating in their own communities. These challenges can include everything from a building’s design that makes entry difficult to misperceptions when a person’s behavior does not align with the public’s social expectations. Through building regional stakeholder communities and a roadmap for future comparative effectiveness research, a Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award is supporting efforts making it possible for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to more easily participate in their own communities.

Sample Tweets:

PCORI-funded project creates roadmap for future comparative effectiveness research on community participation for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Learn more.

What barriers to community participation do children with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families face? Find out in this PCORI Story.

Access to transportation is just one of several barriers to community participation for people with intellectual disabilities. Learn more about some of the others in this PCORI-funded project.

What will it take to reduce barriers to community participation for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families? Learn more:

Also, next week is the 2020 PCORI Virtual Annual Meeting! We will be having a breakout session on Wednesday, September 16, from 1:10 pm-2:10pm ET that I might be of interest. It’s called Exploring Comparative Effectiveness Needs in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Conversation. The session will provide background on our new research priority area—Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and invite input from the audience on topics that are meaningful to patients, families, caregivers and other stakeholders. I hope you can join us. Registration for the meeting is free. To register, click on this link<>.

Thank you for your consideration of sharing this story!



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Melissa Schenkman, MPH, MSJ

Writer/Editor, Communications

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

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