FW: Register Now: What You Need to Know About the ADA and COVID-19 Robin Troutman 16 Jun 2020 11:32 EDT
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[National Business and Disability Council at The Viscardi Center]

Webinar: What You Need to Know About the ADA and COVID-19
June 24 - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET

The world has never faced a pandemic the likes of COVID-19. In a very short time, most non-essential employers shifted to remote work settings to maintain operations and create a culture that connects with employees in a virtual environment. To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers must develop proper protocol to ensure sustainable workplace safety in response to COVID-19 and for the future.

Through this webinar, the National Business & Disability Council (NBDC) at The Viscardi Center will provide organizations with best practices and insights to ensure compliance, while providing workplace safety to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. Session objectives include:

  1.  Clarify how disability-related inquiries and health condition assessments related to COVID-19 are to be managed
  2.  Ensure that confidentiality is maintained
  3.  Identify best practices to recruit and onboard new hires; and
  4.  Prepare for having employees return-to-work.
Additional topics covered include:

  *   Protecting the workforce when an employee calls in sick
  *   Determining if the ADA requires a doctor's note certifying fitness for duty when employees return-to-work
  *   Screening applicants for symptoms of COVID-19; and
  *   Reasonable accommodations during the pandemic.

  *   Brian East, Senior Attorney from Disability Rights Texas
  *   Jennifer Mathis, Director of Policy and Legal Advocacy at the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
To register, click here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OESM8DtxT5ky7LHhOuwx7sfQbn_V6dU4Xe2EiQ68EIDomt4LkTl10wHXozDVJYuNcVczfp3XdMdzQy4onF1x5V0qUyBrf0XY4nUIIq4nr7mdvIiOO_iFYkOBYtEMvVK9CFQ1f82NtT7vU3iOrkZ0I-jhMiIBOsWRjws_MpeRozO_m_p-YIHtkl6UWuT1s1_6nCA7nGJilNIIPCO38JP3xc8t1uHBUjBkz9aWaVol-W6wBAFZ6G2Fi1KBpmC_uw6mMLpmU1dIlM5vRt55orvFFwFm8woL4BxB&c=FXxaM0AxJFpCZHSXyi4zRwQ-PhAXHLVW9So89RNH7MjwbldCUMyg5Q==&ch=vGB-BSu0PbYo74qoYp3p2Fz3J_riY9_LHczIzS_3Rl8l-xRC40CeQQ==>.

If you have questions, contact Christina Eisenberg at xxxxxx@viscardicenter.org<mailto:xxxxxx@viscardicenter.org>

This event is approved for 1.0 HR general recertification credit hour through the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

National Business & Disability Council at The Viscardi Center, 247 Third Avenue, Suite 503, New York, NY 11507
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