FW: Funding Opportunity for COVID-19 Related Projects Robin Troutman 27 May 2020 09:50 EDT

Good morning!

I wanted to pass along this funding opportunity we've come across in case any organizations are interested or in need.

HER announces funding opportunity for COVID-19 related projects focused on federal nutrition programs
Healthy Eating Research (HER) has announced a special funding opportunity<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=e1e4f39e8f&e=638b51d85a> providing a limited amount of funding for COVID-19 related rapid-response research projects to explore the impact of the pandemic on nutrition and diet quality, food security, and related health consequences for children and families.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for federal nutrition programs has become more apparent with the closing of schools and childcare centers across the country coupled with a loss of critical family income and rising unemployment. The goal is to inform decision-making regarding innovative policies and/or programs during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. HER intends to fund lower cost rapid-response research projects, including issue briefs, papers, research reviews, and small studies. More information can be found on HER’s website.<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=a805e5ff5b&e=638b51d85a>

You can also amplify this opportunity by retweeting their tweet about it here<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=37010df98b&e=638b51d85a>.


Katie Marx - she/her/hers

Policy Assistant

Center for Science in the Public Interest

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