NCD Pre-Solicitation Notice of Funding Opportunity: Examining Medicaid Reimbursement for Oral Healthcare of People with I/DD Robin Troutman 12 May 2020 12:32 EDT
NCD Pre-Solicitation Notice of Funding Opportunity: Examining Medicaid Reimbursement for Oral Healthcare of People with I/DD
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National Council on Disability Pre-Solicitation Notice of Funding Opportunity

Making Sufficient Oral Healthcare for People with I/DD a Cost-Effective Reality: Examining the Medicaid Reimbursement Rate

NCD's role is to advise the President, Congress, and other policymakers on disability practices that enhance equal opportunity for people with disabilities to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, and inclusion and integration into all aspects of society. NCD fulfills this role in part by releasing reports which evaluate the efficacy and legality of federal programs in relation to disability rights laws. A forthcoming report by NCD will examine the Medicaid reimbursement rate with respect to oral healthcare and patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).

A significant oral health disparity exists for people with I/DD. Compared with other populations, adults, adolescents, and children with I/DD experience poorer health and more difficulty in finding, getting to, and paying for appropriate health care. This disparity has made people with I/DD more likely to have poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease and untreated dental caries than members of the general population. Equally noteworthy is the comprehensible frustration and sense of injustice this disparity creates, a disparity created in part by insufficient Medicaid oral healthcare reimbursement rates for people with I/DD.

This report will collect and analyze relevant state data and evaluate the cost/benefit analysis of increased Medicaid reimbursement rates of preventive services vis-à-vis the actual savings to the overall oral healthcare costs by keeping persons with I/DD out of emergency and operating rooms. Additionally, the report will discern the extent that respective states are using unique plans as a means of providing accessible oral healthcare, that is more cost effective than increasing the Medicaid reimbursement rate, and that could potentially be adopted by the federal government.

The estimated contract period is ten months. This potential funding opportunity is contingent on fiscal year 2020 federal funding availability. NCD will distribute the Making Sufficient Oral Healthcare for People with I/DD a Cost-Effective Reality: Examining the Medicaid Reimbursement Rate Notice of Funding Opportunity to interested parties on May 18, 2020. NCD will expect interested parties to submit their responses by COB (close of business) on June 18, 2020. Copies of the Notice of Funding Opportunity will be available on and and may be requested by email on or after the issue date of May 18, 2020.

This pre-solicitation notice is issued solely for informational and planning purposes only. It does not constitute a Notice of Funding Opportunity. This pre-solicitation notice does not commit the Government to contract for any work or services whatsoever. Further, the National Council on Disability is not at this time seeking proposals and will not accept unsolicited proposals. Respondents are advised that the United States (U.S) Government will not pay for any information or administrative cost incurred in response to this pre-solicitation notice. Responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the U.S Government to form a binding contract. It is the responsibility of the interested parties to monitor and sites for additional information.

For more information, contact Amged Soliman,<>, 202 272-2116.

Robin Troutman
Deputy Director
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC  20006
202.506.5813 Ext. 105 (Phone)<>
Pronouns: she/her
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