Join us for the AUCD Virtual Gala! Robin Troutman 21 Apr 2020 18:36 UTC
Please see attached on how to join the AUCD Gala tomorrow night!

From: Laura Martin (AUCD) <xxxxxx@AUCD.ORG>
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 1:13 PM
To: Laura Martin (AUCD) <xxxxxx@AUCD.ORG>
Cc: Rylin Rodgers <xxxxxx@AUCD.ORG>; John Tschida <xxxxxx@AUCD.ORG>
Subject: Updates from AUCD and Join us for the AUCD Virtual Gala!
Importance: High

April 22nd AUCD Virtual Gala! Put on those party clothes and connect with friends and colleagues at the AUCD Virtual Gala! See the attached Toolkit for how you can help promote (starting now!), and participate in, the virtual event which is sure to be fun and engaging.

Thank you for all you do and for you continued support.


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