FW: Webinar on Mental Wellness in the Workplace During Uncertain Times Robin Troutman 16 Apr 2020 13:58 UTC
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[National Business and Disability Council at The Viscardi Center]

Don't miss this upcoming webinar!
"Mental Wellness: Employer Strategies to Foster a Healthy, Productive Workplace During Uncertain Times"

May 14, 2020
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET

Employers consistently evaluate ways to create environments that generate productivity and company success. In recent months, we have had to make significant changes to our lives resulting in a profound impact on businesses of all sizes. These include shifting to remote work, adjusting management processes, and maintaining as much normalcy as possible. Now more than ever, employers are looking for strategies to provide employees with mental health support and resources to maintain their overall wellness. Implementing workplace practices that promote mental wellness, not only helps employees maintain healthy outcomes but increases productivity and ultimately influences the bottom line.

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, please join the National Business & Disability Council (NBDC) at The Viscardi Center for an informative webinar that will address best practices employers can utilize to support all employees during the current COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Participants will learn about effective approaches for providing employees with mental health conditions with the tools they need for optimal job performance and raise awareness about the importance of adopting an inclusive work culture that fosters mental health and well-being for an entire workforce.


  *   Moderator: Christina Eisenberg - Manager, the National Business & Disability Council (NBDC) at The Viscardi Center
  *   Lori Golden - Abilities Strategy Leader, Ernst & Young
Registration is free so be sure to register today<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0011IHv6b3wMjlnhXMwsBBvcZ4O2bRR00Xxlgcj-ssZVnkgih5yP7dw6Cc3lj2mS0xTr7stNFAWIu41V2yK0dQ8i_ZMczfnMcciiks1KX_-R7OaoXXeJ3IIn21jN_v06BEJUfauJqMhy69FoaUvWKMrA8sZofGZBxPv9hyikgul9vEVKlpQG5-5RYuIywqllrS4gNbQnuyU1cLU-6ZNnUoxEFoo50bBhLCs&c=YqnPBJZawx8yaFc91CRuJXog0nH1DDcY9DfAkIC38jHDinlKkn-o8w==&ch=lX6nF58aMTVwBa2Nwc2rA8xZsjiKjE42Iw_0JO02rsTxiF07ofJMQw==>.

This event is approved for 1.0 HR general recertification credit hour through the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

National Business & Disability Council at The Viscardi Center, 247 Third Avenue, Suite 503, New York, NY 10010
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