FW: ADA National Network Learning Session: COVID19, Health Care, and the ADA Robin Troutman 13 Apr 2020 17:08 UTC
View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/adapacific/announcing-a-new-webinar-series-healthcare-and-the-ada-inclusion-of-persons-with-disabilities-1377858?e=a112d54225>
ADA National Network Webinar Series:

Health Care and the ADA - Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

The following is provided by the Pacific ADA Center.


Announcing a New Webinar:

"ADA National Network Learning Session:

COVID19, Health Care, and the ADA"

April 23, 2020
Webinars begin at ET: 2.30pm, CT: 1.30pm, MT:12.30pm, PT:11.30am, Hawaii: 9.30am during mainland Standard Time; 8.30am during mainland Daylight Savings Time.
Registration: Free on-line at http://adapresentations.org/healthcare/registration.php<https://adapacific.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6df066ba31e8d8962f4ac9470&id=f1ef5a2418&e=a112d54225>
Registration closes at midnight, April 22, 2020.

All webinars offer captioning. For all other accessibility questions about Zoom webinar conferencing software, go to https://zoom.us/accessibility<https://adapacific.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6df066ba31e8d8962f4ac9470&id=7b19b92cff&e=a112d54225>.


Given the unprecedented demands posed by the COVID19 pandemic for the provision of health care, it is critical for health care providers to understand how the decisions they need to make for dealing with this crisis connect with the ADA. In this webinar, several ADA National Network staff from across the country will review general health care provisions in the ADA and how they apply to new issues such as temporary medical facilities, drive-thru testing sites, and other current health care issues.
Learning objectives:

  *   Learn an overview of the ADA and Health Care.
  *   Apply the physical access issues to new health practices like temporary facilities and medical drive throughs.
  *   Understand effective communication issues to public information notices and warnings, masked care by professionals in all situations including medical drive throughs, and qualified interpreters
  *   Learn about modifications to service animals, personal assistants, and bringing own assistive technology to a site.

Jan Garrett is a Program Manager for the Pacific ADA Center

Emily Shuman is the Deputy Director for the Rocky Mountain ADA Center.

Michael Richardson is the Director for the Northwest ADA Center.

Pam Williamson is the Assistant Director of the Southeast ADA Center

To view upcoming sessions, go to http://www.adapresentations.org/healthcare/schedule.php<https://adapacific.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6df066ba31e8d8962f4ac9470&id=274f494c9c&e=a112d54225>
To see previous sessions, go to http://www.adapresentations.org/healthcare/archive-health.php<https://adapacific.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6df066ba31e8d8962f4ac9470&id=8c56973c80&e=a112d54225>
The information presented in this webinar is intended solely as informal guidance, and is neither a determination of legal rights or responsibilities by NIDILRR.

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