FW: Why food isn't the problem with the coronavirus, and other advice Robin Troutman 13 Apr 2020 15:17 UTC
With so much in the news about whether it’s safe to eat produce and how to safely grocery shop during the pandemic, here are some articles from CSPI’s Nutrition Action Healthletter that may be of interest:

  *   Why food isn’t the problem with the coronavirus.<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=77825d1423&e=638b51d85a> By now, you’ve probably heard that the main way to avoid the coronavirus is to minimize contact with people, not food. Here are 3 reasons why that’s good advice.

  *   Our tips for buying and preparing food during the coronavirus pandemic.<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=d76edda7f7&e=638b51d85a> Here’s why spending less time in the grocery store—and more time washing your hands—matters most to lower your exposure. The article includes tips on:
     *   What to do inside the grocery store
     *   What to do when you bring home your groceries
     *   What to do about takeout and delivery from restaurants
     *   What to do with fresh fruits & vegetables
     *   How to wash or sanitize your hands
     *   How to clean and disinfect kitchen surfaces

  *   5 things to know about the coronavirus<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=d3222e1c59&e=638b51d85a>

Thanks and have a good and safe weekend.


Colin Schwartz
Center for Science in the Public Interest

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