FW: We Need Your Help To Reach Out To Families Robin Troutman 07 Apr 2020 18:44 UTC
Please see below from our friends at the CT UCEDD

From: Cole,Molly <xxxxxx@uchc.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@uchc.edu>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 3:04 AM
Subject:  We Need Your Help To Reach Out To Families

Dear Colleague:

 We are writing to ask your help to find out how families and caregivers with children, youth or adults with disabilities are doing during this unprecedented crisis with COVID-19, and what issues they are facing.

The survey is online and anonymous, and is being sent to identify gaps in the current communication and public health messaging about COVID-19 specific to families and caregivers of children, youth or adults with disabilities and to identify issues facing parents of children with disabilities during this time.

If you are in this category, please help us and fill the survey out. If you are not, can you send to as many caregivers as you can, either through personal emails or mailing lists. The survey is being sent to you by the University of Connecticut Center of Excellence in Disabilities.

 The title of this study is “The knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of parents of children with disabilities in response to COVID-19”. It will take up to 15 minutes to complete.

 We are looking for adults over 18. Completing the survey is voluntary; you may skip any questions you wish, and may stop the survey at any time for any reason.

 To participate click this link: UCEDD COVID-19 online survey<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uconn.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0v9k95dKr4vsQAd__;!!LIYSdFfckKA!gWxOxj4j0XVEqYfiVbEHH6F0sJHJrjDxr3PhyXY9dm3xHFViwGyb1RiqgEAizQTK-qgguyfYwTOC$>

We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to participate in this study. If you have any questions about this study, please contact Dr. Mary Beth Bruder (xxxxxx@uchc.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@uchc.edu>) or Dr. Tara Lutz (xxxxxx@uchc.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@uchc.edu>). The study has been approved by UConn Health IRB (20X-185-2).

Thank you.



Dr. Mary Beth Bruder, Co-PrincipaI Investigator                       Dr. Tara Lutz, Co-Principal Investigator

Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service

University of Connecticut School of Medicine

Phone: 860-679-1500
