FW: Virtual Learning Opportunity! 3 part Webinar Series: Including Families in School to Work Transition Robin Troutman 31 Mar 2020 17:43 UTC
Including Families in School to Work Transition
Families of students and young adults with disabilities are critical partners throughout the transition process. School staff and employment service providers must form effective working relationships with families to in order to realize and obtain improved employment outcomes for students and young adults with disabilities.

This series is beneficial for all stakeholders during the transition process, and is particularly useful for school staff, employment service providers, community partners, and families themselves. Our experts will provide essential information that summarizes recent research. They will share best practices, strategies, and tools that attendees can put to use immediately.

Continuing Education Hours Available!

  *   Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) clock hours are available.
  *   The series subject matter aligns with the Certified Employment Support Professional (CESP) Content Outline.
  *   A general certificate of participation is available as well.
View descriptions and schedule of the webinar series below.

Cost: $100 for all 3 webinars, $35 per individual webinar

For more information and a link to register visit:
Including Families in School to Work Transition<https://transcen.org/transcen-announces-a-new-three-part-family-focused-webinar-series/>

Webinar 1:
Understanding and Partnering with Families: Concepts, Strategies, and Action Steps
Thursday, April 9, 2020, 2:00 - 3:30pm ET
Presenters: Sean Roy, Ruth Allison, Jacque Hyatt
Research supports family engagement as a key strategy for improving post-school employment outcomes. Yet, many school staff and community partners may require assistance in establishing effective working relationships with families. This webinar will provide practical tips and tools that can use used by professionals. Families should be seen as an essential partner, and this webinar will provide the information necessary to help make those partnerships a reality.

Webinar 2:
We Can Do Better: Examining the Impact of Expectations on Families and Students
Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 3:30 - 5:00pm ET
Presenters: Sean Roy, Judith Gross
Understanding the impact of expectations on professional practice, family decision-making, and student outcomes is fundamental during the transition process for youth with disabilities. What shapes expectations in families, youth, and professionals? Are there common practices that may inadvertently cause expectations to be lowered? What can be done to raise expectations, especially for students with high support needs? This interactive webinar will explore the impact of low expectations on students and offer strategies for all partners to raise expectations for student achievement.

Webinar 3:
Embracing Competitive Employment: Helping Families Work through Apprehension
Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 2:00 - 3:30pm ET
Presenter: Sean Roy
Family members may be a bit apprehensive about envisioning a child with high support needs working in a real job. These feelings are real and should be considered in a respectful and constructive manner. This webinar will benefit employment services providers and school staff and will offer strategies for better understanding the experience of families and tips for turning families into your most important partner in the job search and support process

We would be most appreciative if you could share this information with your staff, your membership and your professional networks. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

Be well!

Barbara Van Dyke

Outreach Coordinator

TransCen Inc<http://transcen.org/>.

Improving lives of people with disabilities through meaningful work and community inclusion

12300 Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 350

Rockville, MD 20852
301 424 2002