FW: Food Security and Food Safety During COVID-19- #FoodFri Tweetchat on Friday, March 27 at 1PM ET/10AM PT Robin Troutman 19 Mar 2020 18:52 UTC

Hi Everyone!
Next week's #FoodFri will cover the timely topic of food security and food safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We invite you to join MomsRising (@MomsRising), the Center for Science in the Public Interest (@CSPI),  the Food Research and Action Center (@fractweets), and National WIC Association (@NatWICAssoc) to discuss how families who have been affected by the pandemic can access food, what the pandemic means for students who rely on school meals, the safety of ordering in and breastfeeding during the pandemic, preparing your pantries for self-quarantine and shelter-in-place, and more!
WHEN: Friday, March 27, 2020, 1pm ET/10 am PT
Where: On Twitter, using #FoodFri
WHO: @CSPI, @MomsRising, @fractweets, @NatWICAssoc and YOU!
You can help us spread the word by tweeting (see below). If you are interested in seeing the questions in advance, please contact Eva at: xxxxxx@cspinet.org<mailto:xxxxxx@cspinet.org>.
Thanks and healthy wishes to all!


  *   Let’s talk about food security and food safety during #COVID19! Come to #FoodFri with @MomsRising, @CSPI, @fractweets, @NatWICAssoc to learn more! Mark your calendars: March 27th at 1pm ET/10am PT.
  *   Is it safe to order in during #CoronaVirus pandemic? Come to #FoodFri to learn more from the experts! It’s happening on Fri. March 27th at 1pm ET/10am PT. Mark your calendars and RT to spread the word!
  *   How can students who rely on school meals access meals if schools are closed? Join #FoodFri on Friday, March 27th with @MomsRising, @CSPI, @fractweets and @NatWICAssoc to find out!  Save the date: 03/27 at 1pm ET/10 am PT. RT to spread the word!
  *   Have questions about how to prepare your pantry for #selfquarantine? Join #FoodFri to discuss food safety during the #Covid19 pandemic. Join @MomsRising, @CSPI, @fractweets @NatWICAssoc on March 27th at 1pm ET to learn more!
  *   How can we practice food safety during #coronavirus? Join #FoodFri with @MomsRising, @CSPI, @fractweets, and @NatWICAssoc  to learn more about what you can do! The convo is happening on March 6th at 1pm ET! RT to spread the word!

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