FW: Webinar on Nutrition Facts: Thursday, January 16 at 11am ET Robin Troutman 14 Jan 2020 11:19 EST
The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is hosting a webinar Behind the Updated Label with FDA: Nutrition Facts for Health and Cancer Prevention<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=e97577115d&e=638b51d85a> on Thursday, January 16th from 11-12pm ET. This webinar is part of the larger effort to educate the field on the updated Nutrition Facts panel. The webinar will go over the changes which include a larger font for calories, new serving size requirements, an added sugars declaration, revised Percent Daily Values, and an updated list of required vitamins and minerals, among others. During this presentation, nutrition researchers and practitioners will go “behind the label” with FDA experts and learn about additional consumer education efforts. Please register here<https://cspinet.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=56c53970e9e8f3069990102a6&id=5dc94a19c9&e=638b51d85a>.

Speakers include:

Claudine Kavanaugh, PhD, MPH, RD
Senior Advisor for Nutrition and Policy
Food and Drug Administration

Maya Maroto, EdD, MPH, RD
Public Health Educator
Food and Drug Administration

Robin McKinnon, PhD, MPA
Senior Advisor for Nutrition Policy
Food and Drug Administration

Sheena Patel Swanner, MS, RDN, LD
Director of Nutrition Programs
American Institute for Cancer Research

Thank you,


Colin Schwartz
Center for Science in the Public Interest

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