Elected for Inclusion, Getting Involved Robin Troutman 16 Dec 2019 11:25 EST

Dear DD Councils,

The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD<https://www.aapd.com/>) and REV UP Texas<http://www.revuptexas.org/> will host Elected for Inclusion<https://www.aapd.com/advocacy/voting/2020-presidential-forum-on-disability-issues/>, a national nonpartisan Presidential candidate forum on disability issues. Elected for Inclusion will take place on January 13, 2020 at the AT&T Hotel and Convention Center in Austin, Texas. The forum will give major party Presidential candidates an opportunity to address questions and discuss policy decisions that affect approximately 23% of the American electorate.
As an organization that is deeply invested in advancing disability rights, I am writing today to see if your organization is interested in partnering with us on Elected for Inclusion. Below are a few ways to get involved with the forum and promoting disability rights in the upcoming elections.
·  Spread the word about the forum and purchase tickets for $10. See the invitation here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/elected-for-inclusion-a-presidential-forum-on-disability-issues-tickets-77923046931>.
·  If you are unable to attend the forum in person then host a watch party and tune in through our livestream. Check out our website<https://www.aapd.com/advocacy/voting/2020-presidential-forum-on-disability-issues/> for more information about watch party options.
·  Become an official sponsor for the forum! Email Maria Town (xxxxxx@aapd.com<mailto:xxxxxx@aapd.com>) for more information about sponsorship opportunities.
·  Post on social media about the importance of the disability vote, and tag the candidates in posts about attending the forum. Please use hashtags: #REVUP #Elected4Inclusion #CripTheVote.
If you have any questions about Elected for Inclusion or need additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Keri Gray, MA
Senior Director, Stakeholder Engagement & Strategic Communications
American Association of People with Disabilities
2013 H Street NW, 5th Floor<https://maps.google.com/?q=2013+H+Street+NW,+5th+Floor+Washington,+DC+20006&entry=gmail&source=g>
Washington, DC 20006<https://maps.google.com/?q=2013+H+Street+NW,+5th+Floor+Washington,+DC+20006&entry=gmail&source=g>