FW: Dietary Supplements Tweet Chat on 11/22 Robin Troutman 19 Nov 2019 16:35 UTC
Join CSPI and MomsRising on Friday, November 22nd from 1-2pm ET for a #FoodFri Tweet chat to discuss news and issues surrounding dietary supplements.

Let us know if you can join and help spread the word:

  *   What can we do to make #DietarySupplements safer? Find out with us, @CSPI, and @MomsRising in our #FoodFri Tweet chat on 11/22 at 1pm EST!
  *   Mark your calendar! Join us, @CSPI, and @MomsRising for a #FoodFri Tweet chat on dietary supplements this Friday, November 22nd at 1pm EST.
If you are interested in seeing the questions in advance, please contact Richard Adcock at xxxxxx@cspinet.org<mailto:xxxxxx@cspinet.org>.


Sarah Sorscher
Center for Science in the Public Interest

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