Disability and Civic Engagement survey opportunity Robin Troutman 16 Oct 2019 15:02 UTC
The Lurie Center at Brandeis is doing a major study on disability and civic engagement. They want people with disabilities to respond. It's a very good survey and they have some open ended parts where you can write about your experiences with voting. Personally, I hope you will also write about how the campaigns themselves are not yet accessible and that we need to focus not just on voting day but also on what happens before voting day.

Additionally, there are so many kinds of civic engagement - like meeting with candidates, elected officials, workforce boards, governors. There is also doing opeds, reaching out to media, creating partnerships etc. One thing that I think is important is to stress how we can do more by working in a nonpartisan way so we can build bridges everywhere. But whatever you say is up to you of course.

Bottom line, if you see yourself as a person with a disability, I hope you will share your own opinions in this: https://brandeis.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0rKqWzYOud0nd5P