Thank you! NACDD Policy and Member Services Committee Joint Webinar on Factsheets and State Messaging Robin Troutman 15 Mar 2019 17:32 UTC
Happy Friday!
A big thank you to Ryley Newport and Leslie Sutton of the Oregon Council for presenting to the network on Wednesday about Factsheets and State Messaging.  Attached to this email is the presentation.  I am also including a link to the recording for those who weren't able to attend.

In addition, we have created a short survey that we request you fill out if you either participated live, or listened in after.  Please click here

Thanks so much!

Robin Troutman
Deputy Director
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC  20006
202.506.5813 Ext. 105 (Phone)<>