FYI: NonProfit Vote Webnar: Getting Your Issue on the Ballot 3/14/2019 Robin Troutman 28 Feb 2019 14:54 EST
Please see the email announcement below about a webinar on the ballot initiative process.


[Nonprofit VOTE]<>

Getting Your Issue on the Ballot
Thursday, March 14 at 2pm-3pmET, 11am-12pm PT


How does a ballot measure make it to the ballot? Nonprofit organizations and coalitions collect signatures, raise awareness, and work with sitting elected officials to get the issues they care about in front of voters. Kellie Dupree from Ballot Initiative Strategy Center (BISC)<> returns to the webinar series to teach us how nonprofits can work together to advance their advocacy work and engage with voters on a deeper level.

Whether your organization is looking to spearhead an issue that hasn't found traction at the Statehouse yet or if you've been approached by a local coalition organizing to get a measure qualified for the ballot, this is a don't miss webinar that will shed light on the process, how nonprofits can do this work legally, and the benefits it provides for your organization and community.

RSVP now to join us March 14 at 2pm ET! <>


Please help us spread the word by using the social media samples below!

Leading up to the webinar:

How do you get an issue your community wants on the ballot? Join Nonprofit VOTE and Kellie Dupree from @BallotStrategy Thursday, March 14 at 2pm ET!

Sign up using this link:

Day Of Webinar:

It's not too late! You can still sign up for our #npvwebinar that will teach you how to get an issue on the ballot with
Kellie Dupree from @BallotStrategy Thursday, March 14 at 2pm ET!

Sign up using this link:






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