Midwest Leadership Institute Applications Open! Become a Better Leader in the IDD Field ~ Robin Troutman 13 Feb 2019 14:34 EST
If you are interested becoming a better leader in the IDD field or know someone who is, please consider the Midwest Leadership Institute!
If you are interested becoming a better leader in the IDD field or know someone who is, please consider the Midwest Leadership Institute! Please also help us spread the word by forwarding this announcement to any lists or people who may have interest!

View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/udel/midwest-li-2310117?e=e9fb0cfcf8>


Are you, or someone you know, interested in becoming a better leader in your organization and in the intellectual and developmental disabilities field? The Midwest Leadership Institute<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=e775b47b7d&e=e9fb0cfcf8> is the perfect opportunity for you! The Midwest Leadership Institute is an opportunity to come together with other Midwest leaders to learn from each other, leading experts, self-advocates, and their families.

The outcomes of the Midwest Leadership Institute<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=c92f2413e6&e=e9fb0cfcf8> include:

  *   Enhancing leadership confidence and strengths to achieve mission-focused organizational goals;
  *   Managing for quality services, supports and outcomes;
  *   Visioning a better future and successful organizational change;
  *   Transitioning to an individualized service system, including fiscal and managerial implications;
  *   Achieving success in leadership challenges unique to the field of intellectual/developmental disabilities
  *   Developing effective measurement and quality management systems.

The University of Delaware is bringing their week-long intensive program to the Midwest to assist leaders to transform supports people with IDD. The program offers an agenda of compelling workshops, guest speakers, and leadership learning activities.

The applications <https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=e905536ee9&e=e9fb0cfcf8> are open now for the April 7-12, 2019 Midwest Leadership Institute to be held in Kansas City, MO. Applications close on March 8th so please plan to apply soon!

The Nitty Gritty:
Date: April 7-12, 2019
Location: eitas Administration Building, 8511 Hillcrest Rd., Kansas City, MO
Tuition: $1300 (Early Bird Rate, applications received prior to or on February 22nd); $1500 (Regular rate, applications received February 23rd- March 8th). We will send an invoice after you are accepted
Participants:       Limited to 35 current and emerging leaders, chosen by application process administered by the University of Delaware.
Application<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=898b55d635&e=e9fb0cfcf8> Deadline:     March 8,  2019
Travel Information:  Travel and hotel accommodations are at the expense of the participant. We have a room block held at the Sheraton Suites Country Club Plaza, 770 W 47th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64112 [$159/night plus taxes and fees]

Applicants should work in areas of management or program leadership in organizations that provide, advocate for, or fund community-based services and support for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families.

If you or anyone you know is interested in applying, here is a link to the applications<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=7aae4d89d7&e=e9fb0cfcf8>.

For more information, please click here<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=3c58b4a0f2&e=e9fb0cfcf8>.

Thank you to the many local sponsors who helped to bring this Institute to the Midwest and subsidize the tuition cost!

For questions, please contact Kristen Loomis at xxxxxx@udel.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@udel.edu> or by phone at (302) 831-4728.


Please contact us with any questions at xxxxxx@udel.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@udel.edu> or (302) 831-4728!

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this announcement to any lists or people who may have interest!

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors!

Platinum Sponsor

Missouri Association of County Developmental Disabilities Services<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=7fafb47458&e=e9fb0cfcf8>

Gold Sponsor

Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=2219cfb3af&e=e9fb0cfcf8>

Silver Sponsor

Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities<https://nlcdd.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=79a7d074ef0cd9e875963e213&id=d210189628&e=e9fb0cfcf8>




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