FW: Making the leap from Nonprofit to Political Office? We have the webinar for you! Robin Troutman 18 Jan 2019 12:48 EST
From: "Nonprofit VOTE" <xxxxxx@nonprofitvote.org<mailto:xxxxxx@nonprofitvote.org>>
Date: January 17, 2019 at 11:21:45 AM EST
To: xxxxxx@aapd.com<mailto:xxxxxx@aapd.com>
Subject: Making the leap from Nonprofit to Political Office? We have the webinar for you!
Reply-To: xxxxxx@nonprofitvote.org<mailto:xxxxxx@nonprofitvote.org>

[Nonprofit VOTE]<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1e8ujb/t8thsq/1qd7hr>

In our first webinar of the year, we are tackling the nonprofit leadership to political office pipeline.

Running for Office: A Primer for Nonprofit Leadership
Thursday, January 31 at 2pm-3pmET, 11am-12pm PT

Nonprofits play a key role in democracy building through voter engagement efforts, ensuring the people they serve are registered to vote and educated on the issues and races on the ballot. But nonprofit staff, leaders, and board members don't need to sit on the sidelines of governance. Individuals working with nonprofits can and should consider running for office.

On January 31st we're bringing in speakers from Vote Run Lead<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1e8ujb/t8thsq/hje7hr> and Run for Office<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1e8ujb/t8thsq/xbf7hr> for a webinar focused on how to pipeline leaders of the nonprofit sector who are ready to run for office. We'll explain how the campaign process should go for 501c3 workers as well as what nonpartisan programs are available to assist and develop emerging candidates and propel them to success.

[RSVP NOW!]<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1e8ujb/t8thsq/d4f7hr>

Please help us spread the word by using the social media samples below!

Leading up to the webinar:

Are you or someone you know a nonprofit leader thinking about going into political office? Join Nonprofit VOTE, Christina Sanders (@iamthepolichic) and more for an amazing discussion for those looking to make the leap. Join us Thursday, Jan. 31 at 2pm ET!

Sign up using this link: http://bit.ly/running4officewebinar

Day Of Webinar:

It's not too late! You can still sign up for our #npvwebinar that will show you how to go from nonprofit leader to political office with featured speakers like Christina Sanders (@iamthepolichic) and more today at 2:00pm ET.

Sign up using this link: http://bit.ly/running4officewebinar






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Ted Jackson
REV UP Interim Consultant
American Association of People with Disabilities
(202) 854-1626 Direct